Monday, June 6, 2016

Pilots run clinic; visit local children’s hospital

Originally posted on

Over the last few days, the Jersey Pilots participated in two community events for local children. 

On Saturday, the team held a baseball clinic for little leagues in the area. About 35 youth ballplayers aged seven to 12 participated in a plethora of drills and activities at Snyder Ave. Field.

“[The clinic] ran for two hours, said Pilots manager Aaron Kalb. “We took them through stretch and proper throwing. We took them through a couple of stations: infield, outfield, and defensive pitching drills. Then they all got a chance to hit.”

Pilots players Drew DeAngelis, Tommy Giunta, Greg Kocinski, Tom Marcinczyk, Colby Smith, and Alex Wright helped run the clinic with Kalb and assistant coach Joe Tomachick.

DeAngelis, in his second season with the Pilots, found the experience rewarding and enjoyable.

“I thought the clinic went really well,” said DeAngelis. “It was a lot of fun for us to give back the community like that. Hopefully, it was fun for the kids. It seemed like they were having a fun time. We were happy to do it.”

On Monday, members of the Pilots went to the Children’s Specialized Hospital in Mountainside to help with the cleaning up of the hospital playground.

Mike Gibbons, Vic Konstantinovsky, Tim Pilrun, Tyler Poulin, Taylor Parsons, and Harrison Walls cleaned the playground equipment and picked up loose tree branches and pine needles.

Before the clean-up, the players watched a video on the impact of the Hospital's volunteers and went on a tour of the facility.

“When I was setting up the season and the events, I was trying to think of something for the community,” said Kalb. “The goal was to help the kids. We didn’t personally get to meet the kids, but we were able to do something that could help them out.”

The Pilots plan to hold more community events going forward, including another clinic and a camp.

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