Friday, November 18, 2011

MLB Will Drastically Change With New Labor Agreement and Astros Sale

Major League Baseball announced that they have a verbal agreement with the Players Union on a new labor agreement. Unlike the NFL and NBA, there was no lockout, lost games, or other bad stuff. There was not even a thought of a lockout. The labor contract is for five years, which would give MLB and MLBPA 20+ years of labor peace. The new deal also has some new ideas that will change the sport. Also, the recent sale of the Astros fits hand in hand with the news of the labor deal.

Interleague Play Logo
First, is the sale of the Astros. MLB approved the sale of Houston to businessman Jim Crane, with the condition that the Astros move from the NL Central to the AL West. This move could happen as early as the 2013 season. This will give the AL and NL 15 teams. The NL Central will have 5 teams instead of 6 and the AL west will also have 5 teams instead of 4. The Astros have been part National League since 1962 when they came into the league with the Mets. With 15 teams in each league, MLB decided Interleague Play will extend through out the whole season. Interleague Play began in 1997. An American League team usually played 18 Interleague games while a National League team could play from 18 games to 12 games. 

Second, is the labor deal. As part of the labor deal, MLB has decided to add another Wild Card team, in both the the AL and NL, for the playoffs. That will make 5 playoff teams in both league, 3 division winners and the 2 wild card teams. The 2 wild card teams will  face off in a winner takes all, 1 game playoff. Other big parts of the deal are, restraint on money spent on players from the draft and on international amateur free agents, luxury tax on high pay roll teams, and there will be a lower percentage of free agents who's former team will receive the highest form of draft pick compensation. 

Also discussed was idea of 15 team leagues with no divisions.

In my mind the idea of the Astros switching leagues is an OK idea. I like that every division will have 5 teams. However,the idea of all-season interleague saddens me a little. I also loved when interleague was played. It was something I looked forward to. The idea of another wild card is a good idea. I think the extra wild card will add more suspense. The idea of the 15 team, no division leagues, is unique. I don't like it because I like how the alignment it is now.