Tuesday, June 19, 2012

NBA Finals Through 3 Games

The NBA Finals through 3 games is turning out to be a good series. Miami, after losing the 1st game, has taken a 2-1 series lead heading into Game 4, tomorrow at home. LeBron is playing much better then he has in the last 2 NBA Finals. Kevin Durant is playing OK, but is in foul trouble. Russell Westbrook is scoring well, but is being criticized for shot selection. Dwayne Wade is playing fine. Chris Bosh is playing like he needs to. James Harden is playing well one night, bad the next. It's looking like a great series.

Shane Battier is the series x-factor
Shane Battier is playing like the role player the Heat have been dying for the last 2 years. He is averaging about 14 points per game in the series. In Game 1, he scored 17 points and went 6-9 from the field in 42 minutes. Game 2 was much like the same, 17 points in 42 minutes. However, Battier was more efficient from the field, going 6-8 from the field and 5-7 from distance and Miami picked up the W. The Game 3 stat line for Battier was 9 points in 35 minutes. He shot only 2 shots, 3 pointers, and made both. The other points came from a perfect night at the line. He has really played well in a spot he has never really in.

Oklahoma City has an All-Star defender in Serge Ibaka. He was 2nd in the voting for Defensive Player of the Year, the league leader in blocks in the regular season, and an 1st Team Defensive Player. he is currently averaging 3.11 blocks in the postseason. In Game 1, "Iblocka" had 0 blocks but they won. In Game 2, he had 5 rejections and in Game 3, he had 2 stuffs. Game 1 was the 1st time since March 1st he had no blocks and only the 4th time in the regular season and postseason combined. His scoring has decreased in the last 3 games. He needs to be more efficient and I believe he will.

Derek Fisher
The Thunder's bench has been used more in the series. James Harden scored only 5 points in Game 1, played well in Game 2 with 21 points, and then dropped to 9 points in Game 3. That cannot happen for the rest of the series. They need consistency from Harden to win the series. Derek Fisher and Nick Collison played well in Game's 1 and 2, but slightly struggled in Game 3. The +/-'s for Fisher were +6 in Game 1 and +13 in Game 2. +13 and +8 were the +/- line for Collison in Game 1 and 2 respectively. Game 3 those lines dropped off to -9 for Fisher and -11 for Collison. They need to be successful when they are on the court. They better these 2 veterans play, the better off OKC will be. 

Miami has taken the lead in the series. But, it isn't like they have it in the bag. Oklahoma City will be relentless. They have scored more points in the 4th quarter in the series (78 OKC-65 MIA). The 3rd quarter isn't as bad, but it isn't one or two possessions, at 72-64. Combined that is 150-129. That averages out to be 25-21.5. The 1st half is 156-136 in favor of Miami. The average is 26-22.66 with Miami on top again. The winner of the series will need to win the half it is currently losing.